

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

The Stuarts

  • Activities: 
1. Acess the following link for a very nice activity to check your understanding of Charles I, the Civil War and the Restoration: 
  • Summaries: 
Explore the following summaries with necessary information to study the main events in the Stuart Period. You may also consult other sources to go deeper into the topics dealt with in class.  
  • Students' Contributions:
Access the following presentations and summaries in order to study the content presented in class:

- The Glorious Revolution

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

The Tudors

The Tudor Period

1 . Watch the trailers of the movies Elizabeth (1998) and Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007). What are the movies about? What are the historical events included in them? How is Elizabeth portrayed in the films?
- Elizabeth (1998)
- Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) 
·                  Summaries: 
Explore the following summaries with necessary information to study the Tudor Period. You may also consult other sources to go deeper into the topics dealt with in class.  

·                  Students' Contributions:
Access the following presentations and summaries in order to study the content presented in class:

- William Shakespeare: Presentation - Summary

Friday, 27 May 2016

The Middle Ages

·                  Activities: 

1. Watch the video "The Normans in England"
2. Solve the following online activity to learn more about The Norman Conquest: Online Activity
 ·                  Summaries: 
Explore the following summaries with necessary information to study the topics studied in class. You may also consult other sources to go deeper into them.  

·                  Students' Contributions:
Access the following presentations and summaries in order to study the content presented in class:

- The Black Death: Presentation - Summary
- The Hundred Years War: Summary

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Rounding off Unit 1

On April 12th we worked in groups in order to characterize Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Please post comments on this post so that everybody can read your answers to the questions given: 

- Group 1: "Place the following locations on the map of Wales: Cardiff, Anglesey, Bangor and Newport. What is their significance in the country?" (p. 24)

- Group 2: "Access the Blog and find a link to investigate the responsibilities and powers of the devolved administration in Wales. How is it similar/ different from the English government?" (p. 25)

- Group 3: "Search the web for more information on the main economic activities today in Wales" (p. 35)

- Group 4: "Place the following locations on the map of Scotland: The Highlands, the Lowlands, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Orkney and the Hebrides. What is their significance in the country?" (p. 26)

- Group 5: "Place the following locations on the map of Ireland: Northern Ireland, The Republic of Ireland, Belfast, Dublin and Londonderry. What is their significance in the country?" (p. 29)

- Group 6: "Search the web for information on the period known as "The Troubles". Then look at the following wall paintings found in the city of Belfast. How do they relate to the information you have gathered?" (p. 30)

- Group 7: "St Patrick's Day is a well known celebration that originated in Ireland. What is the relation between St Patrick and the "wearing of green", that is, wearing a shamrock on one's clothing? / Search the net for information about St Patrick's Festival in Dublin. How is it celebrated? Where else in the world is this day commemorated?" (p. 30)

- Group 8: "The following are some of the most salient Welsh symbols. Look at the pictures and find more information about them. What do they tell us about the "Welsh Pride"?" (p. 76)

- Group 9: "Let's work now with the Scottish symbols. Look at the pictures and find more information about them. What's their significance in establishing a distinct Scottish identity?" (p. 80)

- Group 10: "The Irish symbols tell us a lot about the external history and internal history of Irish English. Look at the pictures and find more information about them. Do they relate to the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland or both? What do they tell us about the Irish character?" (p. 86)

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Assessment Activity 1: Module 1

a) Select, summarize and paraphrase the information studied in Module 1 in order to complete the chart on page 37 from your Workbook: 


b) Name the document with your last name and a reference for Assessment Activity 1 (example: "García_AA1"). Save the document with a .pdf format and submit it by e-mail to:

c) Take into account the deadline: April 17th

Studying Module 1: The United Kigdom

Review the contents studied on Module 1 by accessing the following links:

Students' Contributions
Access the following presentations and summaries in order to study the content presented in class:

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Welcome Class of 2016!

We are going to use this blog to share activities, resources, enquiries, tests and ideas. Feel free to participate as much as you want!

Oral Presentations!

  • An important Assessment Activity for the Course consists in delivering an Oral Presentation on a topic given. 
  • Choose a topic and add your name to the List of Oral Presentations 2016
  • IMPORTANT! Once you have chosen a topic, you are responsible for it. This means that you have to be ready to present the topic on the given date. In case of an unexpected problem, contact the teacher in order to agree on the steps to follow. 


Glossary of Specific Terms

In the link below you'll find the "Glossary of the Subject". We are going to work collaboratively in the construction of this Glossary by including in it specific terms that we need to learn and use in this subject. As you read the material, feel free to contribute with new words for our Glossary. Regards!